This information was revealed in part through the alternate reality game
The LOST Experience
The Lost Experience
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The Hanso phone line was a voicemail system used at the start of the alternate reality game The Lost Experience. It gave clues to a number of areas that would be later explored during the game, such as Sri Lanka, the Hanso Board of Directors, and connections with the Widmore Corporation and Paik Heavy Industries. Furthermore, advertisements can be heard for Sprite (Lymon), Verizon, Monster, and Jeep, all of which were key sponsors throughout The Lost Experience.

The phone line has since been shut down.

The video below plays the audio from the Hanso phone line, including the different options one could access.

Phone Numbers[]

  • UK: 0800 66 66 40
  • US/Canada: 1 877 426 7674 (alphanumerically: 1 877 HANSORG)
  • Australia: 1800 22 77 17
    • Currently there are no local equivalents for any other region, however the game has not officially started in any other territories yet, apart from the Republic of Ireland where there is currently no phone number.
    • The US/Canada phone number appears to be invalid or not accessible at this time. It may be that the phone number has been changed without forwarding.
    • This page will cover all Hanso Phone Line information for all territories if the data is the same or has to be co-ordinated worldwide to build a complete picture. If neither of these happen, it will be split into relevant territories.

2nd May 2006 - 2200 GMT[]

Main Menu[]

Welcome to the Hanso Foundation, reaching out to a better tomorrow.
If you know your party's extension you may enter it now.
For general information, press 1.
For Alvar Hanso, press 2.
For Thomas Werner Mittelwerk, press 3.
For Hugh McIntyre, press 4.
For Peter Thompson, press 5.
Thank you, and, Namaste.

General Information[]

(Male DJ) Det er alt fra mig fra i aften. Og bliv her for om lidt får du nyheder efterfulgt af klassiker-rock fra 60'erne og 70'erne inklusive en eksklusiv afspilning af Geronimo Jacksons første komplette album, Magna Carta. Lige efter et par ord fra vores sponsor.

Translation: That's all for me tonight. And stay tuned for some news followed by classic rock from the 60s and 70s including an exclusive airing of Geronimo Jackson's first complete album, Magna Carta. Right after some words from our sponsor.

<RAP> Steady bouncing in Jeeps on the New York streets (x5)
(automated female voice) Welcome to Verizon's voice messaging service.
(American female voice) The Hanso Foundation is located at 544 Oeresund Klengvjel DK 1604 Copenhagen V...
(another American female voice) ...don't listen to their lies. This is Persephone, I don't have much time, none of us do. If you want to know the truth about the Hanso Foundation, the real story behind them.
A lie pulled tight enough will always snap under the breaking strain.
Use that password on the website, breaking strain.
They're coming.

Alvar Hanso[]

(Male DJ) Hvis du bliver hængende lidt endnu, kommer vi straks tilbage med side A fra Geronimo Jackson's Magna Carta, lige efter disse ord fra vores sponsor.

Translation: If you stay for a little while longer we'll be right back with side A from Geronimo Jackson's Magna Carta, right after these words from our sponsor.

Right now, if you post your resume on Monster.com you're twice as likely to land a job you're looking for...
(automated female voice) Welcome to Verizon's voice messaging service.
(English female voice) You've reached the office of Alvar Hanso, president and CEO of the Hanso Foundation...
(American female voice)...Where is Alvar Hanso? What have they done with him? Who is in charge?...

Note: After the message, the caller is returned to the menu.

Thomas Werner Mittelwerk[]

(Male DJ) Du lyttede til side A af Geronimo Jacksons klassiske album Magna Carta. Vi kommer straks tilbage med side B efter disse meddelelser.

Translation: You just heard side A of Geronimo Jackson's classic album Magna Carta. We will be right back with side B after these messages.

(automated female voice) Welcome to Verizon's voice messaging service.
(Austrian male voice) You've reached the office of Dr. Thomas Werner Mittelwerk, Senior Vice President, CEO and Chief Technologist of the Hanso Foundation.
I will be unreachable for the next three weeks. However, for those employees of Paik Heavy Industries and Widmore Corporation engaged in active projects, I will be continuously updating the confidential information line.
Please refer to your project manual for hotline access instructions.
Thank you, and, namaste.

[Skype sound] After "namaste" you hear a sound. This sound is usually heard by using a program called Skype; with this program you can talk to people all over the world. The sound being heard is the sound that Skype produces when a call is terminated. You can also talk to your voicemail, which suggests that Mittelwerk didn't use a hand phone and instead spoke into a microphone on a computer.

Hugh McIntyre[]

(Male DJ) Hvis du bliver hængende lidt endnu får du mere uforstyrret musik efter disse ord fra vores sponsor.

Translation: If you stay a little while longer you'll get some more uninterrupted music after these words from our sponsor.

<RAP> Steady bouncing in Jeeps on the New York Streets (x2) (automated female voice) Welcome to Verizon's voice messaging service.
(American male voice) Hi, this is Hugh McIntyre, Vice President and Communications Director of the Hanso Foundation.
I'll return to the office in two weeks. If you're calling about the inquiry into the Korean offshore project, please hang up and contact our legal department.
To hear more information about Joop, the world's oldest orangutan, please refer to our website: thehansofoundation.org.
Thank you, and, namaste.
Message 1: Hugh, Thomas. Just got the changes, good work.
We should go ahead and rename the accelerated remote viewing training facility as well, we've got to try and put a public face on all this. Call me.
Message 2: Hugh, it's Darla. I need to talk to you about Sri Lanka, it just isn't right.
(automated female voice) End of messages. Goodbye.

Peter Thompson[]

(male DJ) ... nyheder og vejret efter disse meddelelser.

Translation: ... news and the weather forecast after these messages.

<ADVERTISEMENT> Right now, if you post your resume on Monster.com...
(automated female voice) Welcome to Verizon's voice messaging service.
(American female voice) Hello, you've reached the office of Peter Thompson; Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Hanso Foundation. Mr. Thompson is not available to take your call.
If this is regarding the inquiry into the Korean offshore project, we regretfully decline to comment.
(American male voice) Give me the phone Irene. Gimme... GIMME IT!
This is Peter Thompson. As chief legal officer I wish to remind those who make threats against me and my colleagues or any representatives of Widmore Corporation or Paik Heavy Industries that these acts are criminal.
Make no mistake that we will locate and prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. That's a promise.

3rd May 2006[]

11pm UTC/12am BST - Closed Message[]

You have reached the Hanso Foundation.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this line has been closed.
To find out more about the Hanso Foundation, go to [thehansofoundation.org]

2pm UTC/3pm BST[]

The number has returned to its previous state, with all but the General Information message remaining the same. It is as follows, with the notable exception of the message from Persephone.

Welcome to Verizon's voice messaging service.
The Hanso Foundation is located at 544 Oeresund Klengvjel DK 1604 Copenhagen V and on the world wide web at thehansofoundation.org
Here you can read about our diverse programs, view our television advertisements, get to know our executives, and catch up on recent company news.
Thank you for your interest in the Hanso Foundation.

8th May 2006[]

1:30pm UTC/2:30pm BST[]

UK Line now includes original Persephone message once again.

10th May 2006[]

US Line still does not contain the original Persephone message with choice 1, but the raps have all been changed to Sprite advertisements.

11th May 2006[]

UK Line now just says:-

You have reached the Hanso Foundation.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this line has been closed.
To find out more about the Hanso Foundation, go to thehansofoundation.org

31st May 2006 at 9:30 AM MST[]

Calling the US number now results in a telephony error: "The number you have dialed is invalid or blocked from your area code. Please check your listing and try your call again." This is often preceded by an error code, which varies based off of where the phone call originates.

This is a standard telephone error for calling an invalid number. It does not contain any clues.


The address "544 Oeresund Klengvjel DK 1604 Copenhagen V" isn't transcribed quite right: The voice seems to be saying "Øresund" and then something ending in "-vej", meaning street or road (it's very difficult to hear, because the woman is not a native speaker and mispronounces the address badly). There is to my knowledge no such street in Copenhagen; the closest thing would be Øresund Parkvej or Øresundsvej, both in 2300 Copenhagen S, on Amager. Neither of them runs as high as 544. Øresund is the name of the strait running between Zealand (the large island Copenhagen is part of) and Sweden.
