
Could be Sally's last name is Rafflethorpe. However, her sister might just be married. I may add the last name just so she feels like a more well rounded character. Granted she even exists. Tebor 18:58, 16 May 2006 (PDT)

Full text found on main page.[]

As of the date of this posting, the following message is found on the main page.

If anyone should find this message, please get word I'm alive and stranded on an island somewhere in the South Pacific. Please send help soon. Things are bad. And they're getting worse...


I survived a horrific plane crash and am stranded on an island somewhere Northeast of Australia and Southwest of Hawaii. In the event that I am never found, please forward word of my fate to my parents. --B4rton 11:24, 16 May 2008 (PDT)
