  • 28:58 in the season 3 episode of "Further Instructions" "Kim" is not only protector of the greenhouse (Island) but also bares a striking resemblance to Jacob. In both facial expressions, shadowing of the eyes and mysteriousness. Even the voice is the same as Jacobs. While this still is not proven, I wanted to hear what others have to say about the possibility that ABC threw this into the story just to throw us off with two.
  • The name "Dion" in greek mythology means "Dionysus" or the greek god of wine (see ab aeterno) wine bottle + cork reference.
  • Dionysus is also known as being related to the "cult of souls" and has the ability to communicate between living and the dead.
  • The name "Kim" also means "Ruler" or "King"

Dmar217 12:56, March 28, 2010 (UTC)
