

  • Roger and Ben brought Emily's remains to the Island, explaining why the Island was able to manifest her to Ben.
  • Emily had some kind of affair with Jacob (ben looks more like her than does Roger) and there is some rule that Fathers will be killed by their sons.
  • Emily Linus is Emily Locke; Ben and Locke are brothers.
    • Emily had John when she was very young (underage), she was 6 months pregnant, hit by a car, and the baby miraculously survived ("Cabin Fever"). Years later, after giving up John in adoption, she starts a new life with Roger and has Ben when 7 months pregnant, a complication caused by the original accident (John's birth).

Someone deleted these theroies as opposed to moving them like they should have. Omggivemaafningusername 18:08, April 6, 2010 (UTC)
