
42 is one of the Numbers.

Occurences in the show

  • 42 is the number of cells in Connect Four, a game played by Leonard in Santa Rosa Mental Institute.
  • There were 42 numbers on the papers from Danielle. (7 rows of the six numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42)
  • Ana-Lucia- Sat in seat 42f
  • The number 42 was on the Mural in The Hatch.
  • Hurley- Hotel in Sydney room number 2342
  • The last number for combo for the lock and the last number shown when accessing the gun safe were 42.
  • Claire was 6 weeks late when she found out that she was preganant (6 weeks = 42 days).
  • According to the Oceanic Airlines website (http://www.oceanic-air.com), there were 42 rows of seats on Flight 815
  • 42 minutes in one episode (excluding commercials)
  • At the end of season 1, there were 42 original cast members alive. (48 survived ((including Ethan)) Edward Mars, Joanna, Scott, Ethan, Boone, and Arzt died, making it 42)
  • 42 in Hurley's car and is the number of KM to the airport in Exodus part 2

Occurences outside the show

  • 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, according to Douglas Adams [1] in his novel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
  • - 4orty 2wo Entertainment (http://www.4orty2wo.com) is a specialist company that excels in ARGs and the number 42 has often been a 'calling card' for the company's involvement.