

  • Construction worker, sketch artist
  • Brutal car accident resulted in long hospital recovery
  • Ex-girlfriend Susan used accident to gain full custody of their son Walt
  • Got custody of his son back when Susan died from a rare blood disorder
  • Afraid he can't take care of Walt by himself
  • Took Vincent for his son to make him happy


  • Befriended Sun, which made her husband, Jin, jealous
  • Was the first to know that Sun could speak English
  • Envious of his son Walt's friendship with Locke
  • Finally bonded with his son over box of drawings and letters to Walt that his ex-girlfriend had kept hidden
  • Built raft, but Walt burns it to remain on the island together
  • Built and launched a second raft, only to have his son, Walt, kidnapped several miles from shore
  • After drifting back ashore with Sawyer, he was captured by the tail section survivors, who include Ana-Lucia Cortez and Libby
  • When released from the pit, he runs into jungle looking for Walt only to be convinced to come back by Mr. Eko and Jin
  • With Locke's help rescues Walt from Polar Bears
  • Communicated with someone who may have been Walt through the Station 3 Computer
  • Locked Locke and Jack in the arsenal and then ran off apparently following instructions from the Computer
  • Probably is not being held by The Others, as implied by Zeke's comment in The Hunting Party: "Don't worry about Michael. He's not gonna find us."