

  • Construction worker, sketch artist
  • Brutal car accident resulted in long hospital recovery
  • Ex-girlfriend Susan used accident to gain full custody of their son Walt
  • Regained custody of his son when Susan died from a rare blood disorder
  • Afraid he can't take care of Walt by himself
  • Took Vincent for his son to make him happy


  • Befriended Sun, which made her husband, Jin, jealous
  • Was the first to know that Sun could speak English
  • Envious of his son Walt's friendship with Locke
  • Saved Walt from attack by a Polar Bear with the help of Locke
  • Finally bonded with his son over box of drawings and letters to Walt that his ex-girlfriend had kept hidden
  • Built raft, but Walt burns it to remain on the island together
  • Built and launched a second raft, only to have his son, Walt, kidnapped several miles from shore
  • After drifting back ashore with Sawyer, he was captured by the tail section survivors, who include Ana-Lucia Cortez and Libby
  • When released from the pit, he runs into jungle looking for Walt only to be convinced to come back by Mr. Eko and Jin
  • With Locke's help rescues Walt from Polar Bears
  • Communicated with someone who may have been Walt through the Station 3 Computer
  • Locked Locke and Jack in the arsenal and then ran off apparently following instructions from the computer
  • Met Desmond Cook when he was looking for Walt; Desmond was on his way to The Flame after fleeing The Swan
  • Re-appeared from "the forbidden zone" when Jack and Kate went out to propose a prisoner trade with The Others
  • It appears that he was released either under coercion from or in cooperation with The Others in order to free Henry Gale, and possibly for other reasons.
  • He is returned to the hatch by Jack carrying him over his shoulder and accompanied by Kate.
  • During recovery tells Jack, Locke, and Kate about claiming to find the hiding place of The Others and of another hatch.
  • He claims there are only about 22 of them and they live in tents and are worse off than the crash survivors.
  • He thinks Walt , Cindy, Emma, Zack and the other captured survivors are in the hatch, which is guarded by two people with guns. The two guns are the only two guns he saw.
  • After party leaves hatch to get guns, he asks Ana-Lucia who is in the gun locker. Tells her he is willing to kill the false Henry Gale if she can't. Ana-Lucia hands over the gun and the combination to the gun locker - (18L - 1R - 31L)
  • He shoots Ana-Lucia once in the chest and is suprised by Libby, whom he shoots twice in the stomach.
  • He opens the gun locker, stands in front of the false Henry Gale and shoots himself in the arm.


  • The construction company he worked for was a Widmore company.
  • Probably was not being held by The Others, as implied by Zeke's comment in The Hunting Party: "Don't worry about Michael. He's not gonna find us."
    • Michael claimed that he found the hiding place of The Others. So Zeke was either wrong, or lied. They may have captured Michael, that would explain why his trail went cold at that spot, also meaning that Zeke meant Michael wouldn't find them unless they wanted him to (It's worth noting that Zeke may have had reasons for lying to Jack, or may simply have been "us" to refer to the assembled parties at that particular location - "not gonna find us" may simply have meant "won't interrupt this meeting.)
  • He has twice returned from from attempting to find the others. Perhaps, he met them both times. He has the same opinion of the button as Faux Henry (It is a joke/ It is not what you think). Michael will betray the survivors to get back to Walt (Just my theory)
  • He is presumably brainwashed by The Others in an attempt to free the false Henry Gale to save Walt.
  • May have willingly made a deal with The Others to do a prisoner exchange (Henry Gale for Walt). Alternatively, the Others may be threatening to kill Walt if Henry isn't released. Michael's willingness to kill Ana Lucia and Libby, and to injure himself suggests that he wants to retain credibility with the other castaways, further suggesting that the Others may have given him additional tasks. No brainwashing neccessary.
  • May have been brainwashed by The Others and became one of them. Shot himself in the arm so the other survivors would think it was all Henry's fault (who meanwhile escaped and cannot be punished), and Michael will be able to continue to sabotage their efforts from the inside.
  • May have shot Ana-Lucia, released Henry Gale and shot himself so that the group will get mad at Henry and incite them to attack The Others immediately to get Walt back.
  • Walt seems very important to The Others, and it's doubtful they would actually release him. Michael may have decided that he just wants to be with his son, even if it means living among The Others. In order to do that, he may have to prove his loyalty to The Others, by killing Ana-Lucia (who Gale reveals that The Others want dead for killing two of them), and releasing Henry Gale. If this theory holds true, he may have more tasks to complete. For instance, Eko and Charlie have also killed Others.
  • Michael killed his comrades and wounded himself before releasing a prisoner, which parallels Sayid's actions while freeing Nadia (as seen in Solitary).
  • Michael says that there are 22 of The Others, you could say 23, or 24, counting Henry Gale, and now Michael.
  • Michael may have shot his left arm as a symbol to "Henry" maybe similar to Dr. Marvin Crandle's missing left arm.
  • As per hints in the Publisher's Note of Bad Twin (the manuscript that Sawyer is reading in Two for the Road), the man who Jack and Kate found in the jungle may not be Michael, but instead, a "Bad Twin." He certainly has more than a week's worth of facial hair when he returns.

Connections outside the show

  • In the English epic poem Paradise Lost by John Milton, Michael commands the army of angels loyal to God against the rebel forces of Satan. Armed with a sword from God's armory, he bests Satan in personal combat, wounding his side.
  • Is told by Sawyer on the raft that he has the patience of a saint, St Michael along with St George is the patron of chivalry, the Talmud tradition rendered his name as meaning "who is like El (God)"