This information was revealed in part through the alternate reality game
The LOST Experience
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This article details a post by Rachel Blake as part of The Lost Experience.

Text Transcript[]

Ladies and Gentlemen. A few words before I start:

1) The creep who BROKE into my room? Not dead. I hit him with the FLAT part of a pretty lightweight iron, guys. Not to mention, I DID check the newspapers.

2) Your comments? Most of them are FANTASTIC… but a few of you really like to go for the knees. Come on, haters… If you ever have the pleasure of trying to take down an insidious international corporation for yourselves one day, I think you might find yourself making a mistake or two as well. Cut a girl some slack.

That said, it looks like we’re all arriving on the same page. OF COURSE, I’ve had my suspicions about this Valenzetti equation… but, I guess I didn’t want to come off like one of those sandwich-board wearing lunatics pointing skyward in the middle of Times Square.

Well, no more. The end is near!!

Er…maybe. Let’s take a step back.

Fact is, though he seems to know what he’s talking about, the author Gary Troup didn’t know what was happening at the VIK INSTITUTE. We have to be careful. Sure, he mentions Alvar Hanso, sure he has some interesting things to say about Valenzetti’s Equation – which is WHY I hid the video on that site – but, that interview can’t provide us with conclusive EVIDENCE that Mittelwerk is using the Valenzetti Equation (or even has it!). Without the Valenzetti Equation book itself to fill in the details, we have to take Troup’s interview for what it is: just a good jumping-off point.

Now, as many of you know, the Gary Troup site crashed yesterday. The video is no longer viewable there. Whether the site crashed because of a bandwidth overload or whether the Hanso Squad slipped it a mickey, I can only be thankful that some of you guys (wish I had a name for you…DJ Dan has the ConspiraSpies, who are YOU? I’m taking suggestions…) posted my Zander video up on YOUTUBE. Go there now if you haven’t seen it.

You watch it? Good. But, be mindful: there is NO PROOF right now that this equation Zander mentioned IS the Valenzetti Equation or that the Valenzetti Equation has anything to do with Egyptian hieroglyphs. I’m not saying it’s NOT, but we shouldn’t shut our eyes so quickly to other possibilities.

Now, on the topic of those glyphs... Looks like all this is getting to Armand Zander, too.

He emailed me back this morning. The message was short and to the point. It simply contained this image:


Familiar? Some of you hit it right on the head… the glyphs are just like that savant memory test. And, if according to some, when taken together, the hieroglyphs do mean “Die,” then the creep-factor has just risen a few hundred points.

But, what do we think? Is it as simple as that? Should we, in fact, be looking at the glyphs one by one? Is that the answer? What if we rearrange them? What have we GOT here???

I’ll be back in a bit… want to see if Zander has anything more to say about this…

20:07 Update

20.07: Something’s wrong.

I’ve been trying to email Armand Zander to see if any of this makes any sense to him, but for some reason, all my messages are getting bounced back. A computer-generated response keeps telling me his account, which worked fine yesterday, doesn’t exist.

And he’s not answering his phone.

Have they gotten to him?

Is this the Valenzetti Equation or something else? Would they really get rid of someone to protect it?

Am I next?

Saying a prayer for Zander…

posted by Rachel Blake @ 7:56 PM

01.53 Update

01.53 P.S. ROT

Theories and Observations[]

  • The hieroglyphs are the same glyphs as found on the Countdown Timer in the Swan. The glyphs mean "Cause to die".
  • When you click on the link "Troup's interview", you are taken to an Amazon page for the book "Bad Twin." Scroll down a little farther and there is a paragraph, "Amazon.com Exclusive". Click on the links [either one will do] and you are taken to a completley white page - the site of an asx file. Yet it doesn't work. This is the site of the interview we are supposed to see, right?
  • There was a definite degree of confusion on June 28th, when a hoaxer tried to fake a new Rachel Blake blog. A quick review:
    • On June 28, 2006, a comment was posted in Rachel Blake's blog entry for the post "Iceland 001" by a user pretending to be Rachel.
    • The user linked to a new blog, claiming to be Rachel's new blog following her laptop being stolen (as mentioned in Iceland 001).
    • The blog's only entry was entitled Iceland 02, and went into detail about the mathematicians and autistic savants in the third basement of the Vik Institute.
    • The blogger's profile was different than the real Rachel Blake's profile, as it listed personal details about "Rachel", such as her favourite book being Bad Twin by Gary Troup and her occupation as Conspiraspy.
    • After speculation and investigation, some users decided to ask the leading resource of The Lost Experience, Speaker. Speaker confirmed that the new blog was not in-game.
  • (cont'd) So, before the discovery of this fraud, this page held the blog entry from the fake site. Afterwards, it was moved to Rachel Blake Iceland 02 (Hoax), where it now awaits deletion. This page you are on as of right now was changed from redirecting to the hoax page to it's own article, as the real Iceland 02 post was released today (June 29th).
